I have a client site running Exchange 2013 on Server 2012 with most PCs using Office 2010 with a few using Office 2013.
One customer last week said he was getting a popup in Outlook at least once a day stating "The Microsoft Exchange administrator has made a change that requires you quit and restart Outlook." No one has been making changes to Exchange so there must be some glitch in the system that is now causing the popup to appear.
His only recourse then was to follow the message and restart Outlook. He said he was the only one in the office (about 12) who was getting it.
I checked out Exchange and I found that it was at CU3 level. I installed CU9 and now he said that he only gets the popup when he opens Outlook but he can click through it and doesn't have to restart it. He also said that now some others are saying they are getting that popup when opening Outlook also.
I was certain this was an Exchange issue at first and I'm still certain of that. However I can't find any concise help. I've found several suggestion as to what to do and I don't want to chasing around after suggestions hoping one of them will work. Does anyone have any clear idea of what would cause this and how to fix it?