Exchange checks after OS upgrade
We are running Exchange 2007 SP1 on Windows 2008.
In a few weeks, we'll be installing some hotfixes etc to an Exchange server. The Exchange server, running SCC, has multiple Storage Groups.
We'll then be installing the patches on a 2007 CCR cluster.
Once I've installed the patches, I want to be sure that Exchange is still functioning. Initially, I was thinking of creating a test mailbox on each server and then connecting to it via Outlook, OWA etc after the change. But was wondering, apart from this, can
anyone recommend any checks? So far, I can think of -
- Test-ServiceHealth (checks Services)
- Test-MAPIConnectivity (checks MAPI connectivity, although I'm not sure if this is for *All* databases on the server?)
- For SCC, check that all cluster resources are up
- For CCR, check replication health
January 15th, 2011 7:02pm
I guess, post installation you can divide testing in two parts…
Client testing
Check OWA, Outlook(mapi), Outlook Anywhere, Blackberry, ActiveSync clients can connect and send/receive an emails within & outside the org etc
Generally one doesn’t have many IMAP, POP and WebServices clients so having a test mailboxes is good idea to test these clients as well.
Server testing
Check to all services are up and running
Replication should be healthy and queue length should be zero
Confirm backup runs Ok
Public folder access and replication is Ok.
Regards, Pushkal MishrA
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January 15th, 2011 8:27pm