Exchange credential
Please tell me, how can I change the default credential, when I try to connect to another Exchange server from EMC?
The probmlem is in the fact, that in my case, the default credential is not equal whith the current user account.
PS I tried to recreate the user profile, but the result was ansuccess.
August 25th, 2011 4:26am
Not sure what yourr trying to achieve, are your trying to connet to an another exch server in the same forest or a different forest?
Also, I assume youre using exch 2007? Sukh
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August 25th, 2011 6:25am
1. I have only one Exchange server in the forest! The situation is very strange! I am trying to add additional connection to this server locally (from it) by pressing the button Add Exchange forest... and when I use check box "Logon with default credential",
the connection are establishing from the test_user account, but not Administrator account!
2. this is Exchange 2010 Server SP1
August 25th, 2011 7:34am
I have solved this problem.
Someone was connected to the server under other name and has kept the registration data.
It was necessary to be connected once again under the registration data of the Administrator account and to remember it.
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August 25th, 2011 9:09am
Hi Alexey,
Glad it resolved, thanks for sharing.
Best Regards,
Evan Liu
TechNet Subscriber Support
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August 25th, 2011 9:13pm