Exchange forms
I have a couple questions regarding Organizational forms. Any help anyone can provide will be greatly appreciated.
The first question is in regards to the forms location. I became the admin here a month ago. this network was not documented whatsoever. There was a need to change some information in a pulldown on an organizational form. I was unable to change it myself because I didn't have permissions to the folder to publish the form. When I looked where Microsoft says the folder SHOULD be (Exchange system manager under the e-forms registry), the folder wasn't there. If anyone has any hints on where to look for them, it would be great.
I ended up enabling the previous admins old account and editing the form as her. The form was successfully published with a caveat. Before I edited the form, the dispatcher here would take the form, fill it out, and send it to a technician. The technician would send a reply with an edited form. These forms were e-mailed as mail messages, and there was an easy to follow audit trail as to whether the e-mail had been read, forwarded....etc....Nnow the replies to the form show up as notes instead of e-mail messages, and the audit trail isn't there (before you could see if the envelope was opened,forwarded and such). The weird thing is that all I did was remove a couple names from a couple pulldowns, and add a couple others, then re-published the same form. Anyone have any ideas on how to get the forms to send as an e-mail and not a note? Any help you can provide would be greatly appreciated. Thanks. -Jerry
April 17th, 2007 9:46pm
The organisational forms are under the 'EFORMS REGISTRY/organisational forms' in het system folders. You need to right click the public folder and select 'view System Folders' otherwise the system folders will not be visible. There is also a good chance that someofthese forms are also hidden from view.
The best way to view/edit/publishthem is through Outlook. Just use the form editor there.
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April 18th, 2007 9:17am
Thanks for the information. Unfortunately I have gone to the eforms registry and there is no folder called "organizational forms" listed, although it does show up under outlook. That is what my first question was regarding. Where else can it be?
I also used the forms editor in outlook and was able to edit the form successfully, but now when the form transmitted via e-mail is shows up as a note or post and not as an e-mail per se. That is to say, when the sent form shows up in your inbox, it doesn't have an envelope icon beside it, rather it has a icon representing a note or post ( a note with a pin in it). I need them to be sent as e-mails because our dispatcher uses the status of the e-mail (unopened,read,forwarded) to determine the status of the form (we use them as maintenance tickets). Does this make any sense? Thanks again for the help Mark, but I'm still stuck. Any help would be greatly appreciated. -Jerry
April 18th, 2007 2:52pm
Then you don't have them yet
Right click EFORMS registry and create a new one for the language you prefer.
I'm not a forms guru, but what I can remember of forms, is that you can specify the message classwhen publishing it. Also check the content restrictions on the folder you are publishing it to. You can view it by opening the properties of that folder in Outlook.
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April 18th, 2007 3:45pm