Exchange logs not clearing
Hello, I tried backing up my exchange server using ntbackup. The log files are not clearing. We where using backup exec 12 before, and noticed the log files where not clearing. I tried using ntback to see if that would clear the logs. No dice so this must be something in exchange. We have exchange 2007 on windows server 2003. I cleared some of the logs but this is not good that i have to go in manually to delete. No errors where reported in NT backup Thank you
January 11th, 2010 8:29pm
How are you performing the backup? you have CCR, SCR? Any event at eventvwr?CapecolMCSA - MCTS Exchange Server 2007 - 2010
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January 11th, 2010 8:31pm
I am using ntbacup. I first tried backing up everything in Microsoft Information Store. Then everything in the logs. I know we dont use CCR. I dont think we are using SCR. The backup type was an Normal. As stated before Backup Exec was being used also Thank you
January 12th, 2010 3:12pm
Ok did some digging around. I did not set up Exchange. So most of this stuff is new to me. The version of exchange is standard so I dont the CCR and SCR features are enabled. I looked and LCR is enabled. So I'm not sure if this should help. You would think there would be an easy way of testing via power shell.... etc Still is there anyone that can help me Did some more digging around I'm going to try to reseed as suggested by this article. I will update when i complete this
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January 13th, 2010 7:58pm
Thank you. It looks like I have some error BC-EX01 SGCopyFailed *FAILED* Local Continuous Replicat ion for storage group 'BC-EX01\First Storage Group' is in a 'Failed' state on server 'BC-EX01'. The error message is: The Microsoft Exchange Replication Service encountered an error while inspecting the logs and database for BC-EX01\First Storage Group on startup. The specific error code returned is : Microsoft.Exchange.Cluster.Replay.FileCheckLogfileMissingException: File check failed : Logfile 'C :\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\Mailbox\LocalCopies\First Storage Group\E0000000001.log' was not Microsoft.Exchange.Cluster.Replay.FileChecker.CheckLogfiles(Int64 min imumGeneration, Int64 maximumGeneration) at Microsoft.Exchange.Cluster.Replay.FileChecker.RunChecks() at Microsoft.Exchange. cluster.Replay.ReplicaInstance.ConfigurationChecker(Object stateIgnored). I tried to make it look nicer.... But it looks like it is missing an log file The log files though are hosted on the F drive
January 13th, 2010 10:04pm
Will do tonight let you guys know the answer tomorrow Just to make sure everything goes right. At the end it says It is critical that you make sure that log files are actually replicating and being replayed into the passive copy of the database. Does this mean as long as log files are showing up in the log folder F:\logs it is good Thanks
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January 14th, 2010 8:50am
Did you checked disk performance, I/O and avaiabilty of disk space? please explain which type of cluster are you used ??
June 3rd, 2012 10:41am