Exchange online defragment takes too much time
We have Exchange 2007 SP1 with CCR in windows server 2003 SP2
I have the following event logged
MSExchangeIS (8624) First Storage Group: Online defragmentation is resuming its pass on database 'T:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\Mailbox\First Storage Group\Mailbox Database.edb'. This pass started on 12/23/2010 and has been running for 21 days.
why does it take that much time, even I have schedule it to run for 9 hours daily
the size of the database is about one Tera
and there is another database with size 100 GB that logs the following events
MSExchangeIS (8624) Third Storage Group: Online defragmentation is resuming its pass on database 'T:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\Mailbox\Third Storage Group\Second Mailbox Database.edb'. This pass started on 1/9/2011 and has been running for
5 days.
and it runs for 2 hours daily
could you please advise
Best Regards,
January 15th, 2011 12:46pm
Thanks for replying
I have posted that
there is another database with size 100 GB that logs the following events
MSExchangeIS (8624) Third Storage Group: Online defragmentation is resuming its pass on database 'T:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\Mailbox\Third Storage Group\Second Mailbox Database.edb'. This pass started on 1/9/2011 and has been running for
5 days.
and it runs for 2 hours daily
so I think there is another problem different than size ? right ?
We will update soon , but I prefer if I can solve this issue before upgrade
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January 18th, 2011 3:48am
With 1 TB store its expected.
With 100 GB store also its expected.
So best possible solution will be to break the 1 TB and 100 GB databases in to smaller ones.
And give some more time for Online Maintanence. Also make sure that there is no other activity going on the server when the Online maintanence is running.
January 18th, 2011 4:20am
ok.please increase the online maintainence interval window. it is okay that large databases take long time to complete online defrag
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January 18th, 2011 6:20am
If both of those databases are on the same server, then I am not surprised that they are taking a long time - no matter what the size. The disk subsystem must be thrashed.
This unfortunately sounds like a poorly designed Exchange environment and therefore not working correctly should be expected.
Simon.Simon Butler, Exchange MVP
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January 18th, 2011 6:50pm