Exchange public folders and complex replication schedules
I'm trying to learn exchange 2007, and the course book says to set the replication of a public folder from 8pm to 11pm Monday - Friday. I can see how to set it to replicate from 8pm Monday - 11pm Friday - but that's not the same. Its in additional
exercises so there is no answer! I have googled, and tried everything I can think of, but to no avail. Can some kind soul help?
May 3rd, 2010 9:57pm
Just solved it - 1 hour after I first started - it was a different answer on here that helped though. In case anyone else struggles as much as I did - code is set-publicfolder \Replicant -ReplicationSchedule "Mon.20:00-Mon.23:00,Tue.20:00-Tue.23:00,....."
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May 3rd, 2010 10:15pm