Exchange sdílený mailbox
Ahoj Poteboval bych poradit s vytvenm sdlenho mailboxu. To sam se mi stane i kdy chci vytvoit distribun skupinu a pidat do n uivatele. Objev se hlka : Tmto pkazem bude vymazna vlastnost PrimarySMTPaddress, protoe parametr EmailAddressPolicyEnabled je nastaven na hodnotu True. Tato akce nen povolena. Nevte prosm kde me bt chyba ? Pedem dky ! J.
February 9th, 2012 4:51am

Ahoj, Please ask the queston in English.Regards, Konrad Sagala, MCT, MCSE+M, MCITP: Exchange 2007/2010
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February 9th, 2012 12:26pm

Hello I want to create some shared mailbox, but everytime I try to add some email addresses in preferences of this newly created mailbox there is a warning that with this command, the PrimarySMTPaddress attribute will be deleted, because EmailAddressPolicyEnabled is set to True. The same happens, when I try to create a distribution group and then add some email addresses. Interesting is, that as we have our in our active directory and has been added as UPN suffix and then in Exchange as second accepted domain, if I try to add addesses with domain2 - it works, but for domain1 it does not. thank you for your support Jakub
February 9th, 2012 12:50pm

I want to create some shared mailbox, but everytime I try to add some email addresses in preferences of this newly created mailbox there is a warning that with this command, the PrimarySMTPaddress attribute will be deleted, because EmailAddressPolicyEnabled is set to True. Hi Jakub, How about normal mailbox(User Mailbox)? Please post the warning message here. Please run the cmdlet Get-AcceptedDomain & Get-EmailAddressPolicy and post the results here.Frank Wang TechNet Community Support
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February 13th, 2012 1:24am

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