Exchange server IP change
I need to change all my IP range from the current 10.10.x.x series to 172.16.x.x series. This is to make the voip communication active within all sister group companies.
Please anyone help me the guidelines and plan to change the exchange server IP addresses.
My current configuration is as follows:-
Hub and Client Access server -
Exchange active mail box -
Exchange passive mail box -
MWWin cluster -
Exch cluster -
Please let me know where all I need to change the IP in this cluster environment.
January 4th, 2012 8:43am
1) reconfigure the Windows NEtwork Load Balancer or Hardare loadbalancer in order to work with the new IP-Addresses for the CAS and Hub Servers
2) reconfigure the DNS CAS Array entry for the new IP-Adress
3) change the IP-Adress of the MBX Server both the active and passive one
what is the Exch cluster and MWWin Cluster?regards Thomas Paetzold visit my blog on:
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January 4th, 2012 2:14pm
Plan it very well , you will need to shcedule the downtime and you may face problem with OWA if it is not binded already else will be good. DNS entries are very important as already mentioned above.Where Technology Meets Talent
January 4th, 2012 9:09pm
1) reconfigure the Windows NEtwork Load Balancer or Hardare loadbalancer in order to work with the new IP-Addresses for the CAS and Hub Servers
2) reconfigure the DNS CAS Array entry for the new IP-Adress
3) change the IP-Adress of the MBX Server both the active and passive one
what is the Exch cluster and MWWin Cluster?regards Thomas Paetzold visit my blog on:
Free Windows Admin Tool Kit Click here and download it now
January 4th, 2012 10:04pm
Plan it very well , you will need to shcedule the downtime and you may face problem with OWA if it is not binded already else will be good. DNS entries are very important as already mentioned above.Where Technology Meets Talent
January 5th, 2012 4:59am
Sorry to mention that my exchange is in CCR cluster configuration
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January 5th, 2012 7:22am
Hi Sabir,
If you are running CCR, please see this similar post:
Change IP Address of CCR Cluster nodes
Changing IP Address Network on a Exchange Server 2007 CCR Cluster/Windows Server 2003
Frank Wang
TechNet Community Support
January 6th, 2012 12:49am
Hi Sabir,
If you are running CCR, please see this similar post:
Change IP Address of CCR Cluster nodes
Changing IP Address Network on a Exchange Server 2007 CCR Cluster/Windows Server 2003
Frank Wang
TechNet Community Support
Free Windows Admin Tool Kit Click here and download it now
January 6th, 2012 8:46am
Hi Sabir,
Any updates?Frank Wang
TechNet Community Support
January 9th, 2012 8:59pm
Sorry guys...
It was time bieng put on hold. May be they want only voice communication so I bilieve I can do the things by changing only the voice LAN.
I will open up the case as new when it come back again.
Thanks all for your wonderful support...
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January 15th, 2012 1:22pm