Exchange server contacts
Can any body tell where are all the contacts of exchange server stored(which file)?
Are they stored within an .edb file itself or is there a seperate file that stores contacts?
Jude Aloysius
May 17th, 2010 5:43pm
Can any body tell where are all the contacts of exchange server stored(which file)?
Are they stored within an .edb file itself or is there a seperate file that stores contacts?
Jude Aloysius
This info is not stored in exchange servers instead it is stored in Active Directory Domain Controllers (partial copy of which is also stroed on Global Catalog servers), which has its own mechanism of storing objects.
Plz See : Active Directory Data Storage
Laeeq Qazi|Team Lead(Exchange + Sharepoint + BES + DynamicsCRM)
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May 17th, 2010 6:03pm
Depends on which contacts you are speaking of, could you please clarify? i.e. are you talking about account information for users within your network? Or are you talking about Contacts that you might find within Outlook when connected to the Exchange
May 19th, 2010 1:52am
Jude, I never heard back frokm you so thought I would elaborate on my answer a bit;
If you are trying to find user information than Laeeq is correct that you would more then likley find that within AD
However if you are talking about "Contacts" that a user would normally find by using Outlook then the data is more than likely within the users Mailbox/Contacts folder inside of a Mailbox EDB, or if the user access the Contact information within a
Public Folder then the information would be within the Public Folders EDB. You can then access, search, delete that data by accessing it with Outlook, ExMerge, or a third party utilty like Lucid8's DigiScope
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May 19th, 2010 9:01pm
I had a similar issue in regards to contacts. Recently we switched from using Exchange 2003 SMB Server to a completely new serer running Exchange 2007. Everything so far worked great. We backed up everyone's email into (.pst) files and imported
those into the new Exchange 2007 server. For the most part, everyone could send/recieve email. However, we are now noticing two issues:
1. When users select contacts from their contact list, sometimes when they send emails to them, they receive a bounce back (NDR)
2. The "nickname cache" is remembering the old email alias' from the previous server, and if people try to send to those they also fail.
Any help would be greatly appreciated. (ASAP :)
May 24th, 2010 4:30pm
First of all i would suggest to open a new forum thread for your problem, bcoz this thread is already been answered and doesnt match with what u r asking.
The problem u r facing is due to changed legacyExchangeDNs as far as I can think of it.
You probably have separate Active Directory Domain with your new ex2007 box.
Please have a look into these links and if it not resolve your issue then open another thread.
Regards,Laeeq Qazi|Team Lead(Exchange + Sharepoint + BES + DynamicsCRM)
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May 24th, 2010 5:10pm