Exchange tabs missing
I have a windows server 2008 r2 machine which is the dc for my domain ( I installed exchange server 2010 in the dc. Everything went fine and installation finished successfully. But when I created a user-mailbox for a user and right clicked the properties of the user, I can't see the four exchange tabs. I did it in both ADUC and Exchange Management Console.Thanks and Regards, Radhakrishnan
July 11th, 2012 5:30am

Hi, Can you please describe what you did in EMC? You will not see any Exchange Tabs in ADUC, so that is normal. Recipients Management must be done in EMC or EMS.Martina Miskovic
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July 11th, 2012 5:36am

I am a newbie. I have exchange server 2010 installed. I don't even know whether the tabs are present in this version. In Exchange Management Console --> Recipient configuration --> Mailbox, I right-clicked a user and selected Properties. I can see General, Mailbox Features, mailbox settings, E-mail Addresses etc... are these the same as the exchange tabs used in previous versions?Thanks and Regards, Radhakrishnan
July 11th, 2012 5:44am

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