Exchange vss writer full backup
Hi, While taking full backup using exchange vss writer it checks for consistency and finishes the backup process and flushes thelogs which are written into database file. What happen if the consistency check fails before taking backup? Whether backup fails or backup finishes without flushing the logs ? Thanks Inmar
December 9th, 2009 9:47am
Hi,Consistency check isperformed when the option Microsoft Volume Shadow Copy Service is selected. The consistency check, which is run on the snapshot,determines if possible data corruption exists. If this option is selected, and the dependent option Continue with backup if consistency check fails is notselected, then data for specific Exchange objects that are determined to be corrupt are not backed up. All other non-corrupt Exchange objects are backed up.For example, if any transaction log file for a Storage Group is corrupt, then none of the transaction log files are backed up for that Storage Group when theContinue with backup if consistency check fails option is not selected. However, the Exchange database files are backed up if Backup Exec determines they are not corrupt. Similarly, if a specific Exchange database file is corrupt, then backup is skipped only for that corrupt database file. All other non-corrupt database files and transaction log files are backed up. When the option Continue with backup if consistency check fails is enabled, then all Exchange data is backed up regardless if corrupt files exist....regards from www.windowsadmin.infoManuPhilip
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December 9th, 2009 1:07pm