Exchange web access
After transferring my exchange server to new hardware I am experiencing an issue when connecting through a web browser. Before the hardware move I would simply type in and it would prompt for a login name and password. Now when trying to access I am prompted for a user name and password but then receive the message
Under Construction
The site you are trying to view does not currently have a default page. It may be in the process of being upgraded and configured.
Please try this site again later. If you still experience the problem, try contacting the Web site administrator.
I can howeveraccess the mail if I type question is why am I having to add /exchange to the end of the address now and how do I remove it.
March 4th, 2009 8:06pm
Hi,You can check the configuration in the MMC under Servers Configuration/Client Access/OWA Grgory Schiro - PowerShell & MOF -
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March 4th, 2009 9:37pm
not sure I understand, can you please explain more. I dont see anything about server configuration in the MMC.
March 4th, 2009 10:43pm
Hi Senate,Which version of Exchange do you use?Exchange 2003:How to Simplify the Outlook Web Access URL 2007:How to Simplify the Outlook Web Access URL 2007 on Windows 2008: Tank | MVP - Exchange | MCITP:EMA MCSA:M |
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March 5th, 2009 7:43am