Hi There
I have the logs growing every minute how ever the datastore is ok not growing i mean just the logs.
I have followed few blogs and tools but not helpful. anyone with ideas?
Kool Bear
Technology Tips and News
Hi There
I have the logs growing every minute how ever the datastore is ok not growing i mean just the logs.
I have followed few blogs and tools but not helpful. anyone with ideas?
Kool Bear
That looks like an excellent article written by authoritative people. What's not helpful about it? Did you try all the recommendations?
Hi Kool Bear,
From your description, I recommend you set some thresholds (warning/error) in the registry and then once the log growth problem starts occurring, you can simply view the application log for events where a user has crossed over the thresholds that you have set.
For more information, here is a helpful thread for your reference:
Exchange 2010 database log files growing rapidly yet the database isnt (Note: Though it is Exchange 2010, it also applies to Exchange 2013 about this issue)
Hope this can be helpful to you.
Best regards,