Exmerge in exchange server 2007
I am using Exchange server 2007 ,I have sucessfully implemendet exmerge in and windows XP machine to exmerge mailboxes,and i am able to sucesfully exmerge individual mailboxes,
The problem is i have lots of disabled users and i cannot exmerge individual mailboxes one by one since it will take lot of time,i have created an storage group and moved all the unwanted users mailboxes to this storage group ,it has around 50 mailboxes,i
want to know if there is any command which be can on the entire storage and exmerge all the mailboxes of that storage group
For exporting a single mailbox i am using this command "Export-Mailbox -Identity user -PSTFolderPath F:\exportMB\user.pst"
Any help will be appreciated
Abubakar Mirasa Dubai,UAE Dubai, Microsoft Specalist
August 23rd, 2011 1:21pm
Get-Mailbox -Database "PCBOX\First Storage Group\Mailbox Database" | Export-Mailbox -PSTFolderPath d:\temp\export
More details from:
Exchange Message Recalling Works! - http://www.windeveloper.com/recall/
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August 23rd, 2011 2:04pm
this will help.
Get-Mailbox -Database <Database Name> | Export-Mailbox -PSTFolderPath F:\exportMB
August 23rd, 2011 2:05pm
Agree with above:
Get-Mailbox -Database <Server name\storage group\database name> | Export-Mailbox -PSTFolderPath F:\exportMB
Do you have any update?
ThanksSophia Xu
Free Windows Admin Tool Kit Click here and download it now
August 26th, 2011 10:19am
thanks all, Not tried the commands yet will run this commands soon and updateAbubakar Mirasa Dubai,UAE Dubai, Microsoft Specalist
August 26th, 2011 10:31am
Hi All,
I have one more question ,for running exmerge for a particulat user i have to give full access permission to the account from which i am running exmerge ,So when i run it on a storage group ,is there any option to give full access permission for
all the users in that particular storage group,or i need to give this permissions individually to all the users.
Abubakar Mirasa Dubai,UAE Dubai, Microsoft Specalist
Free Windows Admin Tool Kit Click here and download it now
August 28th, 2011 5:09am
Get-MailboxDatabase -identity "PCBOX\First Storage Group\Mailbox Database" | Add-ADPermission -user "DOM1\PSTAdmin" -ExtendedRights Receive-As
More details from:
Exchange Message Recalling Works! - http://www.windeveloper.com/recall/
August 28th, 2011 7:11am
what do i put in server name in the above command ,im confused because our server in configured in CCR cluster,we have two mailbox server configured in cluster.
Abubakar Mirasa Dubai,UAE Dubai, Microsoft Specalist
this is the error i am getting when i run the command
below the storage group name is : Disabled users
Mailbbox store is : disabled users
Server name of CCR is bgexchmbxcl
[PS] C:\Documents and Settings\bgit_exmerge>Get-Mailbox -Database bgexchmbxcl\di
sabled users\disabled users | Export-Mailbox -PSTFolderPath C:PST
Get-Mailbox : A positional parameter cannot be found that accepts argument 'use
At line:1 char:12
+ Get-Mailbox <<<< -Database bgexchmbxcl\disabled users\disabled users | Expor
t-Mailbox -PSTFolderPath C:PST
+ CategoryInfo : InvalidArgument: (:) [Get-Mailbox], ParameterBin
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : PositionalParameterNotFound,Microsoft.Exchange.M
Free Windows Admin Tool Kit Click here and download it now
September 5th, 2011 9:47am
Enclose parameters that contain whitespeace within double quotes:
Get-Mailbox -Database "bgexchmbxcl\disabled users\disabled users" | Export-Mailbox -PSTFolderPath C:\PST
Exchange Message Recalling Works! - http://www.windeveloper.com/recall/
September 5th, 2011 10:25am
Thanks everyone i was able to export the database sucessfully.
Abubakar Mirasa Dubai,UAE Dubai, Microsoft Specalist
Free Windows Admin Tool Kit Click here and download it now
September 7th, 2011 3:34am