Export-Mailbox and double set of folders
After a domain consolidation operation we are trying to merge two mailboxes that belong to the same person, but in different domains. We are usingthe Export-Mailbox cmdlet for this but the user is left with two Calendar and two contacts folders in the consolidated mailbox. Anyone know how we can "merge" these duplicate folders?
October 7th, 2008 11:49am
Hi Morgan,
You can add AllowMerge switch in your command to merge the data instead of creating duplicate folders into target mailbox.
Export-Mailbox - http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa998579(EXCHG.80).aspx
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October 7th, 2008 5:35pm
Perhaps I wasn't clear enough in my initial post.
When you use Export-Mailbox to export the contents of one mailbox into another, the data is always inserted into the folder specified with the TargetFolder parameter (which is required). The problem is that under this folder a full mailbox folder hierarchy is created; Calendar, Inbox, Contacts etc. This gives the user two sets of folders; two Calendars, two Inboxes etc. I want the contents of the exported mailbox to be inserted directly into the existing folder hierarchy in the mailbox. The AllowMerge parameter only pertains to the hierarchy created under the target folder.
I have been able to work around the limitation by first exporting to a PST file and the importing that file again into the target mailbox using the Import-Mailbox cmdlet.
October 7th, 2008 5:52pm
Well, in that case you may need to run Export-Mailbox command two times then.
1. Move the calendar and contact folders to merge with existing folders.
Dont user targetfolder, and use includefolder switch to export just calendar and contact.
2. Move other data(excluding calendar and contact folders) to separate repository.
Use targetfolder to specify the destination folder and exclude calendar and contact with excludefolder switch.
How to Export Mailbox Data
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October 7th, 2008 6:54pm
As I tried to point out in my previous post you cannot merge contents from an exported mailbox into the "default" folders of the target mailbox, at least not without an intermediary PST file. I have resolved my problem by using PST files. Thank you to everyone who contributed.
October 7th, 2008 6:57pm
cool... I just saw that you are moving mailbox to new domain so got an idea in my mind thatwhy don't you use Move-Mailbox command to move the mailbox and add AllowMerge & IncludeFolders switches to move justcalendar and contacts folder and merge both.
Hope this works for you...
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October 7th, 2008 7:21pm
Since both users involved in the operation already have mailboxes I cannot use Move-Mailbox. This is a mailbox consolidation operation. The two domains were part of separate Exchange organizations before, but are now joined in a brand new E2K7 org. This migrations has resulted in the same person having two user accounts, one in each domain, as well as two mailboxes. We are now merging these two accounts/mailboxes.
October 7th, 2008 7:26pm