I am using Exchange server 2013.
I know before we export a message we have to suspend it.
When I suspend the message using the command below, it goes into "Pending Suspend" state.
Get-Message -Identity "HT04\7\98384060" | Suspend-Message
Now, when I run Export-message, it gives me below error:
Export-Message -Identity "HT04\7\98384060" | AssembleMessage -Path "C:\users\raghu\Desktop\ram.eml"
The requested operation can't be performed for the object with identity HT04\7\98384060.
+ CategoryInfo : InvalidOperation: (:) [Export-Message], LocalizedException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : [Server=MBX02,RequestId=f802426a-3ea3-4207-a38f-1956fe2b2290,TimeStamp=6/10/2015 7:11:57 PM] [FailureCategor
y=Cmdlet-LocalizedException] 82919335,Microsoft.Exchange.Management.QueueViewerTasks.ExportMessage
+ PSComputerName : CAS01.test.com
Am I doing something wrong here ?
Can some body advice me the correct steps to export a specific message from Active Queue ?