Exporting bulk user mailbox's into PST
Dear Team,
My Goal : I have 100 unused mail ids. now it is time to disable all this mail ids but before disabling need to take all mailbox's into individual PST's.
I have an cmdlet to take pst for individual user i.e
New-MailboxExportRequest -Mailbox "xyz@domain.com" -filepath "\\ServerName\ShareFolder\Filename.pst"
below cmdlet for entire Organizational Unit but problem here i facing is its making only one large PST for entire OU members
Get-Mailbox -OrganizationalUnit Name | New-mailboxexportrequest -FolderPath \\servername\sharedfolder\filename
My Required Solution : cmdlet to take complete OU members mailbox into individual pst for entire team
June 18th, 2012 6:06am
Steve Goodman has a very good blog post about performing mass export.
Check it out:
..and to target a specific OU, you only need to -OrganizationalUnit "domain.local/Users" after Get-Mailbox in his example.Martina Miskovic
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June 18th, 2012 12:20pm
Hi Martina..............Thanks a Lot and made my work easy
Stevie.........You Rocks
June 19th, 2012 1:18am