External Mail Forwarding
Hi All ,
We are using Exchange 2000 , Now i want to configure my server that is i am receiving mail from any specific id like abc@yahoo.com to my exchange inbox with specific subject it should be forwarded to the another id of mine xyz@gmail.comfor this i have created one contact in my server with the external id on which i want mail to be forwarded. and create one rule in my out look ..now when i am receiving mail in my mailbox it is forwarded and comes in my sent items but when i check my g mail box its nopt reached over their. For this i have check from the message tracking center but here it shows that the message is reach up to categorize server . so its not reaching up to the yahoo server. so what may be cause....
Please help me to solve this issue...
John .
April 25th, 2007 3:41pm
Hi John
It is very likely the cause is that your Global Settings are notconfigured to allow Automatic Forwarding to the Internet.
In Exchange System Manager go to Global Settings -> Internet Message Formats -> select the Default (or other if you have it) -> properties -> Advanced tab.
Disallowing Automatic Forwarding to the Internet is generally considered to be a best practise for a number of reasons (stability, security of data, etc.), so don't change this setting without giving it some thought.
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April 26th, 2007 4:36am