External email to public folder fails
I have a Win2008 ent server with E2007sp1 ent
I have mail enabled public folders that can get email from internal senders but if sent from internet users it never arrives
Delivery is delayed to these recipients or distribution lists:
Subject: PF test mail
This message has not yet been delivered. Microsoft Exchange will continue to try delivering the message on your behalf.
Delivery of this message will be attempted until 9/11/2008 3:58:03 PM (GMT-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada). Microsoft Exchange will notify you if the message can't be delivered by that time.
There is nothing in any queues and when I use meta there is nothing
Any ideas??
September 10th, 2008 5:10pm
Verify that RequireSenderAuthenticationEnabled is False with below command for public folder.
(This is an examplefor \Admin\Rebuilding public folder)
Get-MailPublicFolder -Identity "\Admin\Rebuilding" |FL
If it is true or enabled then disable it with below command.
Set-MailPublicFolder -Identity "\Admin\Rebuilding" -RequireSenderAuthenticationEnabled $false
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September 10th, 2008 6:38pm
Hi Amit
Here is the output from the command
Contacts : {}DeliverToMailboxAndForward : FalseExternalEmailAddress : expf:ITTECHA44B7FA94427887979151CA7AB0A686 AA8C364ForwardingAddress :PublicFolderType : MapiPhoneticDisplayName :RootUrl :AcceptMessagesOnlyFrom : {}AcceptMessagesOnlyFromDLMembers : {}AddressListMembership : {Default Global Address List, Public Folde rs}Alias : ITTECHOrganizationalUnit : showcare.local/Microsoft Exchange System O bjectsCustomAttribute1 :CustomAttribute10 :CustomAttribute11 :CustomAttribute12 :CustomAttribute13 :CustomAttribute14 :CustomAttribute15 :CustomAttribute2 :CustomAttribute3 :CustomAttribute4 :CustomAttribute5 :CustomAttribute6 :CustomAttribute7 :CustomAttribute8 :CustomAttribute9 :DisplayName : ITTECHEmailAddresses : {SMTP:ITTECH@eventreg.net}GrantSendOnBehalfTo : {Mail Flow}HiddenFromAddressListsEnabled : FalseLegacyExchangeDN : /O=SHOWCARE/OU=EXCHANGE ADMINISTRATIVE GRO UP (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT)/CN=RECIPIENTS/CN=ITTE CHA44B7FA94427887979151CA7AB0A686AA8C364MaxSendSize : unlimitedMaxReceiveSize : unlimitedPoliciesIncluded : {{6DF77063-F82E-4A6E-9ED4-A70B030DD634},{2 6491CFC-9E50-4857-861B-0CB8DF22B5D7}}PoliciesExcluded : {}EmailAddressPolicyEnabled : TruePrimarySmtpAddress : ITTECH@eventreg.netRecipientType : PublicFolderRecipientTypeDetails : PublicFolderRejectMessagesFrom : {}RejectMessagesFromDLMembers : {}RequireSenderAuthenticationEnabled : FalseSimpleDisplayName :UMDtmfMap : {}WindowsEmailAddress : ITTECH@eventreg.netIsValid : TrueOriginatingServer : EXMK01.showcare.localExchangeVersion : 0.0 (6.5.6500.0)Name : ITTECHDistinguishedName : CN=ITTECH,CN=Microsoft Exchange System Obj ects,DC=showcare,DC=localIdentity : showcare.local/Microsoft Exchange System O bjects/ITTECHGuid : f4344b60-66ec-4676-a600-3707d1167020ObjectCategory : showcare.local/Configuration/Schema/ms-Exc h-Public-FolderObjectClass : {top, publicFolder}WhenChanged : 9/9/2008 4:00:54 PMWhenCreated : 9/9/2008 3:56:45 PM
I noticed that deliver to mailbox and forward was false so I enabled that but still can only get emails from inside senders!
September 10th, 2008 7:36pm
Well, Give CreateItems access rights to Anonymous user on that public folder that should give permission to outside usersfor delivering mails to it.
Add-PublicFolderClientPermission -Identity "\ITTECH" -User Anonymous -AccessRights CreateItems
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September 10th, 2008 7:53pm
the user already had the rights
Add-PublicFolderClientPermission : The user, Anonymous, already has some of thepermissions (CreateItems) specified to be added on the public folder \ITTECH.You cannot add a right that the user already has. The current permission forAnonymous is "CreateItems".At line:1 char:33+ Add-PublicFolderClientPermission <<<< -Identity "\ITTECH" -User Anonymous -AccessRights CreateItems
September 10th, 2008 8:00pm
This is the ndr I get from yahoo when trying to send to 1 of the public folders
<testpf@eventreg.net>:Sorry, I wasn't able to establish an SMTP connection. (#4.4.1)I'm not going to try again; this message has been in the queue too long.
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September 11th, 2008 4:03pm
Clarify: Internal users are able to send mails to public folder, but not the external
Please check this thread, theres same symptom as yours
Collect info:
1. Is it a single public folder issue or all public folders?
2. Is there any other mail flow issue in the environment?
3. Based on the thread above, check public folder in the ADSIEditor
September 15th, 2008 6:21am
Hi James
I re mail enabled them and they are all fine now
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September 15th, 2008 3:54pm