There is a typo in the "Set-ReceiveConnector" on your post... Just an FYI.
Once I corrected the spelling I received the following error:
If the AuthMechanism attribute on a Receive connector contains the value ExchangeServer, you must set the FQDN
parameter on the Receive connector to one of the following values: the FQDN of the transport server
"EXCHANGE.home.lan", the NetBIOS name of the transport server "EXCHANGE", or $null.
+ CategoryInfo : InvalidOperation: (EXCHANGE\Default Frontend EXCHANGE:ReceiveConnector) [Set-ReceiveConn
ector], InvalidFqdnUnde...erAuthException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : [Server=EXCHANGE,RequestId=092580ef-d459-4982-a984-72c71fb87dee,TimeStamp=10/9/2014 12:5
7:09 PM] [FailureCategory=Cmdlet-InvalidFqdnUnderExchangeServerAuthException] 949351FC,Microsoft.Exchange.Manageme
+ PSComputerName : exchange.home.lan
Does anyone have suggestions?