Failed Ex2007 Database Path Move
I moved my First Storage Group to another server, but had an error at completion. It successfully moved the database, but had some verbiage relating to a network error and could not mount the database automatically. The path in the storage group is correct but when you try to mount the database, it gives the error " At lease one of this store's database files is missing. If you continue, a blank database will be created". Is this a permissions issue? If a file is truly missing, how would I go about figuring out what it is? I read in one blog that the path on the new server had to be exactly the same as the one you moved it from. Is that true?Thanks in Advance!!kw
June 27th, 2009 9:50am
Kwfogo, The path only has to be the same if your running a CCR cluster, when doing a mailbox move all the information is exchanged between the servers and the Active Directory object. During the move did you copy the error just in case? Check the event viewer of the server that you received the error on and see if you can provide a bit more detail. Also "move" is vague elaborate as in you moved it from Server A to Server B vai the GUI or Cmdlet, Or moved it from Server A D: drive to a new LUN the SAN team gave you called E: because of space issues.
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June 27th, 2009 10:02am
HI,Please let us know error which is you saw during mailbox Moving ?Base on my knowledge you can move onlymailboxes between Servers.RegardsChinthaka
June 27th, 2009 5:18pm
I remember that the message indicated that the move was successful, but it stated that it could not remount the db due to a network "issue" and to try to mount the db manually. I didn't realize it was an "error" until I tried to mount the db manually. :( I used the GUI to perform a Move Database Path on the Mailbox Database located in Server Configuration/Mailbox. I first created a new directory on a different physical server, then executed the command. I found message #1 below in the event log in the time frame following the move. The .edb file does exist on the new server. After 30 minutes message #2 started.I also just noticed that the login account used for all Exchange services is the local admin account. Could this be the issue? If so, can I change all the logins to a domain admin account?1)
The Active Directory indicates that the database file M:\Exchange\First Storage Group\Mailbox Database.edb exists for the Microsoft Exchange Database "/o=FogoDeChao/ou=Exchange Administrative Group (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT)/cn=Configuration/cn=Servers/cn=MAIL1/cn=Microsoft Private MDB", however no such file exists on disk.
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A transient failure has occurred. The problem may resolve itself in awhile. The service will retry in 56 seconds. Diagnostic information:
Cannot open mailbox /o=FogoDeChao/ou=Exchange Administrative Group (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT)/cn=Configuration/cn=Servers/cn=MAIL1/cn=Microsoft System Attendant.
Microsoft.Exchange.Data.Storage.ConnectionFailedTransientException: Cannot open mailbox /o=FogoDeChao/ou=Exchange Administrative Group (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT)/cn=Configuration/cn=Servers/cn=MAIL1/cn=Microsoft System Attendant. ---> Microsoft.Mapi.MapiExceptionLogonFailed: MapiExceptionLogonFailed: Unable to open message store. (hr=0x80040111, ec=-2147221231)
Diagnostic context:
Lid: 18969 EcDoRpcExt2 called [length=244]
Lid: 27161 EcDoRpcExt2 returned [ec=0x0][length=116][latency=0]
Lid: 23226 --- ROP Parse Start ---
Lid: 27962 ROP: ropLogon [254]
Lid: 17082 ROP Error: 0x80040111
Lid: 26937
Lid: 21921 StoreEc: 0x80040111
Lid: 27962 ROP: ropExtendedError [250]
Lid: 1494 ---- Remote Context Beg ----
Lid: 26426 ROP: ropLogon [254]
Lid: 59409
Lid: 45073
Lid: 11173 StoreEc: 0x80040111
Lid: 22970
Lid: 8620 StoreEc: 0x80040111
Lid: 1750 ---- Remote Context End ----
Lid: 26849
Lid: 21817 ROP Failure: 0x80040111
Lid: 26297
Lid: 16585 StoreEc: 0x80040111
Lid: 32441
Lid: 1706 StoreEc: 0x80040111
Lid: 24761
Lid: 20665 StoreEc: 0x80040111
Lid: 25785
Lid: 29881 StoreEc: 0x80040111
at Microsoft.Mapi.MapiExceptionHelper.ThrowIfError(String message, Int32 hresult, Int32 ec, DiagnosticContext diagCtx)
at Microsoft.Mapi.ExRpcConnection.OpenMsgStore(OpenStoreFlag storeFlags, String mailboxDn, Guid mailboxGuid, Guid mdbGuid, MapiStore msgStorePrivate, String& correctServerDn, ClientIdentityInfo clientIdentityAs, String userDnAs, String applicationId, CultureInfo cultureInfo)
at Microsoft.Mapi.ConnectionCache.OpenMapiStore(String mailboxDn, Guid mailboxGuid, Guid mdbGuid, ClientIdentityInfo clientIdentity, String userDnAs, OpenStoreFlag openStoreFlags, CultureInfo cultureInfo, String applicationId)
at Microsoft.Mapi.ConnectionCache.OpenMailbox(String mailboxDn, Guid mailboxGuid, Guid mdbGuid, WindowsIdentity windowsIdentityAs, String userDnAs, OpenStoreFlag openStoreFlags, CultureInfo cultureInfo, String applicationId)
at Microsoft.Exchange.Data.Storage.ConnectionCachePool.OpenMailbox(String serverDn, String userDn, String mailboxDn, Guid mailboxGuid, Guid mdbGuid, Object identity, ConnectFlag connectFlag, OpenStoreFlag openStoreFlag, CultureInfo cultureInfo, String clientInfoString, Boolean secondTry)
--- End of inner exception stack trace ---
at Microsoft.Exchange.Data.Storage.ConnectionCachePool.OpenMailbox(String serverDn, String userDn, String mailboxDn, Guid mailboxGuid, Guid mdbGuid, Object identity, ConnectFlag connectFlag, OpenStoreFlag openStoreFlag, CultureInfo cultureInfo, String clientInfoString, Boolean secondTry)
at Microsoft.Exchange.Data.Storage.ConnectionCachePool.OpenMailbox(String serverDn, String userDn, String mailboxDn, Guid mailboxGuid, Guid mdbGuid, Object identity, ConnectFlag connectFlag, OpenStoreFlag openStoreFlag, CultureInfo cultureInfo, String clientInfoString, Boolean secondTry)
at Microsoft.Exchange.Data.Storage.ConnectionCachePool.OpenMailbox(String serverDn, String userDn, String mailboxDn, Guid mailboxGuid, Guid mdbGuid, Object identity, ConnectFlag connectFlag, OpenStoreFlag openStoreFlag, CultureInfo cultureInfo, String clientInfoString)
at Microsoft.Exchange.Data.Storage.MailboxSession.Initialize(LogonType logonType, ExchangePrincipal owner, DelegateLogonUser delegateUser, Object identity, OpenMailboxSessionFlags flags)
at Microsoft.Exchange.Data.Storage.MailboxSession.CreateMailboxSession(LogonType logonType, ExchangePrincipal owner, DelegateLogonUser delegateUser, Object identity, OpenMailboxSessionFlags flags, CultureInfo cultureInfo, String clientInfoString)
at Microsoft.Exchange.Data.Storage.MailboxSession.OpenAsAdmin(ExchangePrincipal mailboxOwner, CultureInfo cultureInfo, String clientInfoString, Boolean useLocalRpc, Boolean ignoreHomeMdb)
at Microsoft.Exchange.Data.Storage.MailboxSession.OpenAsAdmin(ExchangePrincipal mailboxOwner, CultureInfo cultureInfo, String clientInfoString)
at Microsoft.Exchange.Servicelets.SystemAttendantMailbox.Servicelet.Work()
For more information, see Help and Support Center at
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June 27th, 2009 8:36pm
HI,I have reproduced your issues in my lab and should appeared event ID 4001 in Application event log.The SYSTEM and CREATOR OWNER Accounts should be given full control permission on whare you place mailbox database. Pleasecheck Database folder have proper permission.Resource========
June 27th, 2009 9:10pm
Event ID 4001 is correct. I had SYSTEM but not CREATOR OWNER so I added it with full control and tried to mount the database but received the same error. Justto clarify, Exchange is on server A and the db is now on server B.
I tried to let it create an empty db on server B and received the following message:
"Exchange is unable to mount the database that you have specified. Specified database MAIL1\First Storage Group\Mailbox Database: Error Code:MapiExceptionJetErrorDatabaseInvalidPath: Unable to mount database. [hr=0x80004005, ec=-1217]The folder that contains the edb file has CREATOR OWNER and SYSTMEM but the actual edb file does not? If I try to add this, it saves, but then the system deletes it.
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June 27th, 2009 9:50pm
HI, I am confused on below sentence, SO please let me know what you mean."Exchange is on server A and the db is now on server B"If Exchange installed Server A but Server B doesnt hold Exchange?RegardsChinthaka
June 28th, 2009 3:49am
Microsoft does not support network-attached storage with exchange server. If you want more information, please refer to below links:
Hope useful for you!
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July 2nd, 2009 8:27am