Federation Trust Test Failing
I have a Live@EDU org and an onPrem Org that need to share free busy. I have followed multiple articles on trying to get this to work but now I have an error that does not show up in any searches.
First, I obtained a x509 cert for the OnPrem org, created a fed trust. Then added my delegated domain, and setup my org relationship.
Second I setup the org relationship and sharing policies in Live@edu.
I was able to retrieve free busy for a cloud account from an onPrem account right away, but the reverse did not work. I was troubleshooting that and attempted to switch the cert onPrem, which failed and I ended up deleting the federation trust and
re-creating it. (a couple of times now).
Currently, when I use test-FederationTrust -verbose, I receive
VERBOSE: [19:59:54.589 GMT] Test-FederationTrust : Failed to request delegation token. Reason: <S:Fault
xml:lang="en-US">Internal Server Error</S:Text></S:Reason><S:Detail><psf:error
error><psf:code>0xcffffc16</psf:code><psf:text>The record already exists in Database
Microsoft.Exchange.Net.WSTrust.SoapFaultException: Soap fault exception received.
at Microsoft.Exchange.Net.WSTrust.SoapClient.Invoke(IEnumerable`1 headers, XmlElement bodyContent)
at Microsoft.Exchange.Net.WSTrust.SecurityTokenService.IssueToken(DelegationTokenRequest request)
at Microsoft.Exchange.Management.SystemConfigurationTasks.TestFederationTrust.GetDelegationToken(ADUser user, Uri
target, SecurityTokenService securityTokenService)
with the following as the standard output.
RunspaceId : aff5ff95-ba75-47ea-8375-3d98372b9b68
Id : FederationTrustConfiguration
Type : Success
Message : FederationTrust object in ActiveDirectory is valid.
RunspaceId : aff5ff95-ba75-47ea-8375-3d98372b9b68
Id : FederationMetadata
Type : Success
Message : The federation trust contains the same certificates published by the security token service in its federat
ion metadata.
RunspaceId : aff5ff95-ba75-47ea-8375-3d98372b9b68
Id : StsCertificate
Type : Success
Message : Valid certificate referenced by property TokenIssuerCertificate in the FederationTrust object.
RunspaceId : aff5ff95-ba75-47ea-8375-3d98372b9b68
Id : StsPreviousCertificate
Type : Success
Message : Valid certificate referenced by property TokenIssuerPrevCertificate in the FederationTrust object.
RunspaceId : aff5ff95-ba75-47ea-8375-3d98372b9b68
Id : OrganizationCertificate
Type : Success
Message : Valid certificate referenced by property OrgPrivCertificate in the FederationTrust object.
RunspaceId : aff5ff95-ba75-47ea-8375-3d98372b9b68
Id : TokenRequest
Type : Error
Message : Failed to request delegation token.
Now, does the error 'The record already exist in the database' mean that since I recreated the trust and the AppID changed, that something is mismatched now? Is this something in the MFG? Any direction would be greatly appreciated.
September 18th, 2012 4:16pm