Filling in protected Form data inside Text box (meant to restrict following line movement with new lines)

I'm trying to find a way around this but this is my best solution to be a time saver.

I have a form that is going to be used to make a massive number of very similar documents for a knowledge base, so I am leaning toward a template with content controls. 

... ... ... If there is a better way of doing the below from this point please let me know!!

The form will have several text box controls, several check box controls, and 4 list controls, then the coop de gras... a large text box/control in the center of the page for the article. The goal is to allow enough of a box that there will never be any spill, and for text entered(multiple lines) to not move any of the lines at the bottom of the page.

No matter how I do this I either lock the Large text box so that it is not editable, or create a situation where the last few lines of the page (which i need to be static like a footer, but for some reason this will not work in a footer) move when I add text to the text box control in the center.

I would like to protect the document so that the format never changes, and additionally open the ability to simply tab through fields just to complete info in the fields but I am starting to think that word just cannot handle the task.

Please help.

OH... I am using Word 2010. I have access to the entire Pro Suite tho if there is a better product for the job. I have attempted this with excel, but ran in to similar problems.

March 24th, 2015 8:48pm

Are these legacy text form fields? The trick to preserve the layout of the document is to put the fields inside table cells whose dimensions are fixed (add and remove cell borders as desired). While this doesn't prevent anyone from typing "excessive" text, most users will stop typing when they realize that the text disappears into the bottom margin of the cell.

To repeat data from the document in a header or footer, use a unique paragraph style for the text form field and insert a STYLEREF field (pointing to the style in question) in the header (or footer).

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March 29th, 2015 7:28pm

I believe Stefan has answered you question. i respond to amplify that a character style can be the target for a StyleRef Field  as well as a paragraph style.

You may find some useful links here:

Making Forms with Microsoft Word

March 30th, 2015 10:07am