Folder Structure with SBS 2003 Security/Permissions/Share
I'm not sure if this is the right place for this question, if not please let me know where to post it.
What is the best way to setup a folder structure for a typical small business (15 users)? Is it better to arange by groups such as having a Sales folder, an Accounting folder, etc. and then have individual client folders within. Or is it better to have folders arranged by clients, then have a sperate folder for Accounting, Sales, etc. within each client?
I'm trying to figure this out from a sharing, security and ease of ongoing upkeep more than convenience to the users (I will make a user-friendly interface).
There was an extensive newsgroup article many years ago (2000)by a SBS-MVP, Jeff Middleton but I haven't been able to find any updated information.
April 11th, 2008 5:05pm