Footnote Continuation Separator troubles

If I create a document with several footnotes and make at least one of them span two pages, the Footnote Continuation Separator line should be placed above the footnote and below the body text on the second page. This does not work as expected for me with an open unsaved document.

If I save the document however as a doc file (Word 97-2003 ) then the Footnote Continuation Separator line is displayed as expected.

If however I save the document as a docx (Word document; 2013) then the Footnote Continuation Separator becomes identical to the Footnote Separator.

A doc file in compatibility mode (saved as a doc file) that is then converted to docx format looses the Footnote Continuation Separator and Footnote Continuation Notice formatting.

Can anybody else reproduce this? If so, is there a fix or workaround to get the Footnote Continuation Separator and Footnote Continuation Notice working when saving as docx? If not, what may have generated this anomaly on my computer?


Harald Aarbakke

June 28th, 2013 3:56pm

I can reproduce the behavior: In Word 2013, the footnote continuation separator is ignored and Word uses the footnote separator for *.docx files.

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June 29th, 2013 1:31am

Thanks for testing and confiming this. I did a test with the same files in Word 2010 and found that Word 2010 displayed both the Footnote Continuation Separator and Footnote Continuation Notice correctly in docx files. I assume this is a bug introduced into Word 2013. Does anybody know what is the best way to report this to Microsoft?


Harald Aarbakke

June 29th, 2013 3:24pm

I have passed it along through "MVP channels," but I suggest that you also post in the product feedback forums at and

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June 29th, 2013 3:35pm

Thanks, I have sent a report to both forums.


Harald Aarbakke

June 29th, 2013 3:44pm

I have now learned that the modification is by design. A specific footnote continuation separator is only maintained for backward compatibility reasons. For documents created in Word 2013, the footnote continuation separator is supposed to be identical to the footnote separator.

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July 3rd, 2013 4:44pm

Thanks for letting me know although I do regret that Microsoft has made that decision.


Harald Aarbakke

July 5th, 2013 3:16am

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