Hi Adnil,
Problem is not very clear as you have not mentioned the error message.
However, from my experience, I think all those users haven't been given the "Send As" permissions for that shared mailbox.
Since they have "Full Access" permissions on that shared mailbox, they are able to move emails over to their own mailboxes.
If this is the case, you just have to make sure they all have "Send-As" permissions as well.
Do this: Exchange Admin Center > Recepients > Shared
then, select the shared mailbox and click on "Edit" option from top
Go to "Mailbox Delegation" and Add all users in "Send As" permission tab.
Best of luck and do let me know, if this does not help.
- Edited by T.Islam 15 hours 5 minutes ago Additional Guidance
Hi Adnil,
Problem is not very clear as you have not mentioned the error message.
However, from my experience, I think all those users haven't been given the "Send As" permissions for that shared mailbox.
Since they have "Full Access" permissions on that shared mailbox, they are able to move emails over to their own mailboxes.
If this is the case, you just have to make sure they all have "Send-As" permissions as well.
Do this: Exchange Admin Center > Recepients > Shared
then, select the shared mailbox and click on "Edit" option from top
Go to "Mailbox Delegation" and Add all users in "Send As" permission tab.
Best of luck and do let me know, if this does not help.
- Edited by T.Islam Tuesday, May 26, 2015 4:24 PM Additional Guidance
If you want to forward emails from shared Inbox,
you need to have Send As to this mailbox or Send on Behalf permission to this shared Inbox folder.
Please use either of the following commands to add rights:
Add-ADPermission sharedmailbox -ExtendedRights "Send As" -UserWhoSends
Set-Mailbox -Identity sharedmailbox@contoso.com -GrantSendOnBehalfTo UserWhoSends
For detailed information about Manage Permissions for Recipients, please refer to :
Best Regards,