Free/busy Room
I use Exchange 2007 and find below the steps I follow to create a room that would manually accept request for all users and forward those to a delegate.
Creating the room:
[PS] C:\graig>New-Mailbox -name "COMP _ ROOM 4" -Alias "COMP_ROOM4" -OrganizationalUnit "company.intra/Company/Room mailbox" -UserPrincipalName "COMP_ROOM4@company.intra" -SamAccountName "COMP_ROOM4" -firstname "" -lastname "" -initials "" -database
"Cmpexc01\SG04\Company UK" -ROOM
Name Alias ServerName ProhibitSendQuota
---- ----- ---------- -----------------
COMP _ ROOM 4 COMP_ROOM4 Cmpexc01 unlimited
Adding full permission to accept user’s request:
[PS] C:\graig>Add-MailboxPermission -Identity "COMP_ROOM4" -User GRAIG -AccessRights "FullAccess" -InheritanceType "All"
Identity User AccessRights
IsInherited Deny
-------- ---- ------------
----------- ----
company.intra/Comp...UK\GRAIG {FullAccess}
False False
Set the manually accept request:
[PS] C:\graig>Set-MailboxCalendarSettings "COMP_ROOM4" -AutomateProcessing:AutoAccept –AllBookInPolicy:$false -AllRequestOutOfPolicy:$false -AllRequestInPolicy:$True
Add delegate:
[PS] C:\graig>Set-MailboxCalendarSettings "COMP_ROOM3" -ResourceDelegates:GRAIG
--> QUESTION: In fact I would need to see the ressource as free/busy time and the only way I found to do that was directly from the Outlook client interface (Vers. 2007). I provide me the full right open the room calendar, do right click properties
and share the free/busy time.
Is there any way to set that from a power command?
March 31st, 2011 7:54am
Not that I have found. But one thing to add is that it is a bit nicer to have
Free/Busy time, subject,
location and then use AddOrganizerToSubject $true in Set-MailboxCalendarSettings. That way the end users can see who has booked the meeting if they would need to perhaps have the meeting moved to free up a timeslot for an even more important
Jesper Bernle | Blog:
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March 31st, 2011 8:22am
Thanks Jesper. That option is set as true When I follow the above steps I gave.
If that option has to be enable from Outlook client interface, so be it.. But I just wanna be sure that there is no other way to allow user's to see the room's meeting (free busy time etc...)
April 4th, 2011 7:50am
Hi Graiggoriz,
By default, when we use outlook 2003 and outlook 2007 we could not view the resource mailbox's calendar free/busy information, but we could do it through outlook 2010.
If we want to achieve the target, we need to change the default calendar permisson for all the mailbox, some related information for you:
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April 5th, 2011 3:21am
By default, when we use outlook 2003 and outlook 2007 we could not view the resource mailbox's calendar free/busy information, but we could do it through outlook 2010.
This doesn't match up with my experience. Could you please explain what you mean? Thanks.Jesper Bernle | Blog:
April 7th, 2011 5:23am
Hi Jesper,
What I mean, if we open the resource mailbox calendar or other mailbox calendar to check the free/busy information, we could not open it through outlook 2003 and outlook 2007, but we could achieve it through outlook 2010.
I have made some tests in the exchange 2007 scenario, how about you.
If I have missed something, please tell me.
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April 7th, 2011 6:10am
Hi Jesper,
What I mean, if we open the resource mailbox calendar or other mailbox calendar to check the free/busy information, we could not open it through outlook 2003 and outlook 2007, but we could achieve it through outlook 2010.
I have do some tests in the exchange 2007 scenario, how about you.
If I have missed something, please tell me.
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April 7th, 2011 6:10am