GAL criteria - Using a wild card
Hi,In out environement we use mulitple GALs which is fine. I now need to setup an additional GAL with all users in which will then be permissioned for just a handfull of users to see.I've been through this article: I cant find the answer as to whether I can use a wildcard for my criteria. i.e. ConditionalCompany "*"Does anyone know if this will work or if there is an alternative way of selecting all users in this GAL.Thanks
October 20th, 2009 2:12pm

Don't know offhand if that will work, but I would look at this doc for any guidance: White Paper: Configuring Virtual Organizations and Address List Segregation in Exchange 2007
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October 20th, 2009 4:33pm

Thanks for the feedback Andy. That article is avery usefull read and it simalar to our configuration but unfortunatly hadn't answered the question.Anyone else have any the answer?
October 20th, 2009 5:10pm

Hi,You can use set-globaladdresslist -Includedrecipients allrecipients -conditionalcompany *It wiill equal to LdapRecipientFilter (&(company=*)(mailNickname=*))Regards,Xiu
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October 22nd, 2009 7:14am

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