Generating a NEw GAL
Hi everybody,I have a question in reference to my environment and how can I generate a NEw Global Address List.This is my situation.Our Exchange that was in charge to generate the GAL for our entire company (several domains) was crashed and the I need to generate another GAL from another exchange server on my organization, what I need to generate a new GAL?Regards.JASM
September 12th, 2009 12:18am
You mean the offline address book , yes?2003:
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September 12th, 2009 12:34am
Hi Andy I'm counting with Exchange Servers 2007 on my environment.Regards.JASM
September 13th, 2009 6:40pm
Hi, Whether you mean the Offline Address Book (OAB)or the Global Address List (GAL)? If it is Offline Address Book, whether any error is encountered when creating OAB according to the article provided by Andy. Thanks,Mike
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September 14th, 2009 10:26am