Get-PublicFolder Question
I was wondering if anyone knew how I can get a list of ONLY TWO Replica Server Names when I scan all our Public Folders. I have two Exchange 2003 PF Servers in which I need a list of PFs that contain ONLY them - in other words, not a list of PFs
that contain them AND other Replicas. It seems like when I run the script below, I get all the PFs that contain the two servers I need, but ALSO every other replica as well. We have 30 GB of PF that are for one line of business. Some of the
folders are on Exchange 2000 PF - some are on BOTH Exchange 2000 and Exchange 2007. I need a list a only the ones on Exchange 2000 so I can add a new Exchange 2007 server to their replica list. Thanks! -Mike
Get-PublicFolder -Identity
-Recurse -ResultSize Unlimited -Server E2K7ServerName | where
{ ( $_.'Replicas'
} | FT
Identity,Replicas -Autosize
July 8th, 2011 1:16pm
You can always use PFDAVadmiin>connect to your PF server>Tools>Export Replica Sets
See all PF and their replica's. Sukh
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July 8th, 2011 6:23pm
I would try get-publicfolderstatistics -server xxxxx instead and then see if you can then pipe that to get-publicfolder and filter on replicas from there.
I find that get-publicfolderstatistics is much more accurate when you want to compare servers though I use it for item count comparisons not replicas.
July 8th, 2011 8:32pm
Hi Ebunky,
If you use PFDAVadmin Tool, here are related documents for you:
Microsoft Exchange Server Public Folder DAV-based Administration Tool
PFDavAdmin tool (Part 1)
For your script, since I am not good at PowerShell command, I am trying to involve someone familiar with this topic to further look at this issue. There might be some
time delay. Appreciate your patience.
Thank you for understanding and support.
Evan Liu
TechNet Subscriber Support
in forum
If you have any feedback on our support, please contact
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July 11th, 2011 7:36am
You can try some different comparison operators in your command. Here is how I sorted my public folder replicas to only show me the replicas that have particular info in the name:
This Command gave me my replicas if they had "E14" in the replica information:
[PS] C:\Users\administrator.test\Desktop>Get-PublicFolder -Identity "\" -Recurse -ResultSize Unlimited -Server 2010mb3
| where { ($_.Replicas -like "*e14*") } | FT Identity,Replicas -Autosize
Identity Replicas
-------- --------
\Pfdavadmin {MB1pub, E14DANLAB2K7\Second Storage Group\Public Folder Database, E14DanPub2, mb3Pub}
\test {MB1pub, E14DanPub2, mb3Pub}
\test\mb3test {MB1pub, E14DanPub2}
\test2 {MB1pub, E14DanPub2}
\test3 {E14DanPub2, mb3Pub}
Here I reported replicas with "E14" in them ONLY if there was no reference to the "MB3" replica:
[PS] C:\Users\administrator.test\Desktop>Get-PublicFolder -Identity "\" -Recurse -ResultSize Unlimited -Server 2010mb3
| where { ($_.Replicas -like "*e14*") -and !($_.replicas -like "mb3*")
} | FT Identity,Replicas -Autosize
Identity Replicas
-------- --------
\test\mb3test {MB1pub, E14DanPub2}
\test2 {MB1pub, E14DanPub2}
I had the best result using the !($_.replicas -like "mb3*") above to get a good report that excluded particular replicas.
The pfdavadmin works well and you can use EXFOLDERS for 2010 - this would be good for a content report comparison.
You can also take the pfdavadmin replica report and import into excel and sort
Hope this helps//
July 11th, 2011 7:02pm