I want a way to get all distribution groups in the Exchange 2013 with all users have send As from
Technology Tips and News
I want a way to get all distribution groups in the Exchange 2013 with all users have send As from
tip: Get-DistributionGroup | Get-ADPermission | where {($_.ExtendedRights -like *Send-As*)} | FT -Wrap
thanks its working with me
I can run the command to get all mailbox with send as , but i received message
only by default the 1000 items are returned use the ResultSize parameter to specify the number of items
how can i use the result size parameter also export the result to a file txt or csv
sorry what about the export-CSV result
thanks its working with me
I can run the command to get all mailbox with send as , but i received message
only by default the 1000 items are returned use the ResultSize parameter to specify the number of items
how can i use the result size parameter also export the result to a file txt or csv
because when i try to use |export-csv -Path C:\temp\group.csv -NoTypeInformation
i revived the below