Global Signatures in Exchange 2003
We want to add a global signature at the bottom of every email that is going out. It is going to be more of an email disclaimer for security purposes. I'm sure all of you know what I am talking about. I am just looking to find out where in the exchange system manager I can configure this.Thank you in advance!
September 11th, 2007 9:22am

In Exchange 2003, there is not "easy" built in way to do this. You can read this article: Or, get a 3rd party app that will add them for you. Just look for "Exchange disclaimer" in google. I use GFI MailEssentials for this, but there are a lot of apps out there.
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September 11th, 2007 11:39am

I read that GFI will still function for the disclaimer even after the trial is up. Do you know if this is true or not?
September 11th, 2007 11:53am

I would not want to appear to be promoting the use of software without licensing it, so I will not tell you this is true. I could tell you it is true, but I will not.
Free Windows Admin Tool Kit Click here and download it now
September 13th, 2007 12:10pm

lol I love how he says it... hahaJoe
October 26th, 2012 11:05am

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