Granting send-as permissions to multiple mailbox databases
I am attempting to grant a user send-as permissions to multiple mailbox DBs I receive no errors after entering the following PS command:
Get-MailboxDatabase databaseName-* | Add-ADPermission -User 'domain\user' -AccessRights ExtendedRight -ExtendedRights Send-As
It seems that it works but when I check users send-as permissions under those DB's it has not applied.
I am aware of the 2 hour wait time for permission replication. The weird thing is that this command has worked for our besadmin user account. it is just this user account that is not working.
March 3rd, 2011 11:25am
Try this:
Get-MailboxDatabase databaseName-* | Get-Mailbox -resultsize:unlimited | Add-ADPermission -User 'domain\user' -AccessRights ExtendedRight -ExtendedRights Send-As
Get-MailboxDatabase databaseName-* | Get-Mailbox -resultsize:unlimited | Add-ADPermission -User 'domain\user' -ExtendedRights Send-As
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March 3rd, 2011 11:53am
thanks for the reply,
same thing, I first removed the send-as permissions and re-added them using your command. No errors and if i try adding again it says the permissions already exist.
I go and check EMC and that username is not listed in the manage send-as permissions for any users under the DB's i applied it for.
March 3rd, 2011 12:35pm
Figured it out guys, thanks anyway. ran this command
Add-ADPermission -Identity 'DC=****,DC=*****,DC=******' -User 'domain\user' -ExtendedRights 'Send-as'
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March 3rd, 2011 1:22pm