Help!!! Stumped OWA Exchange 2007
My setup:
1 - Exchange 2003 server SP2 - Hosted on a Win2K3 SP2 server DC running DNS and WINS.
1- Exchange 2007 server SP1 - Hosted on Win2K3 SP2 server running the HUB and MB roles
1 -Exchange 2007 server SP1 - Hosted on Win2K3 SP2 server running the CAS role.
End Goal
To have Exchange 2007 only. I don't care if I need to leave the CAS server separted. I did that as a recommendation because of OWA and public folders.
The CURRENT issue.
I'm trying to redirect to
after following this article -->
I was able to successfully redirect to but when I attempted the https portion I seemed to have taken a step backwards.
Now when I try to go to I get this message "
The website declined to show this webpage
I have to type to can then get logged in, but if I try to access a public folder resource, I get prompted to authenticate again but entering credetials doesn't work. It just pops up a NEW logon box.
I would like to get to the point where all redirections work as expected and also allow seemless access to public folder resources.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
July 18th, 2008 7:23pm
Regarding the public folder part you should compare the security settings on the /public directory with the security settings on the /owa directory on tbe CAS server.
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July 19th, 2008 12:15pm
First Id like to know what URL that you used to logon OWA. As theres CAS in your Exchange organization, then I assume https://.../owa should be work when user on Exchange 2007 logon OWA 2007.
So as my understanding, you want to direct the OWA 2003 URL to,is that right?
How to redirect an HTTP connection to HTTPS for Outlook Web Access clients
Outlook Web Access and Exchange 2007, Exchange 2003, and Exchange 2000 Coexistence
If you just want to change http to https, then you can deploy a certificate for the default website and use SSL.
Configuring Exchange OWA to Use SSL
Hope it helps.
July 21st, 2008 10:40am
I'm having a somewhat similiar issue, except the Public Folders. In my case, this a completely native Exchange 2007 envrionment.
I created a redirect page and edited the custom errors as directed by the artciles linked above. This worked for some time, but has stopped working with the exact 403 error code reported by the thread starter. The only thing I can think of that I might have done to cause this is deactivating the old SSL certificate and issuing a new multi-domain certificate. Besides that I'm completely at a loss.
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July 22nd, 2008 4:48pm
Then you need tocheck whether the newly installed certificate has been issued to the right web site.Please note "issue to" should be the same as url that you want to access.
Besides,if the issue is persisting,then I recommend you to startup a new thread ,we will focus your issue there.
July 28th, 2008 12:50pm