I manage two exchange servers in two separate domains \ forests. Domain A works great. Domain B sends and receives fine but OOF messages are not being delivered either internally nor externally.
I have confirmed OOF is correctly enabled on both servers.
[PS] C:\>Get-RemoteDomain | fl AllowedOOFType, AutoReplyEnabled, AutoForwardEnabled
AllowedOOFType : ExternalLegacy
AutoReplyEnabled : True
AutoForwardEnabled : True
When I run a MessgaeTrackingLog query on both servers specifically looking at a senders message log and isolating the message subject which is prefixed with "Automatic Reply:" the logs are vastly different.
The working server in Domain A has usually between 10 and 11 steps for processing messages prefixed with "Automatic Reply" but the dysfunctional domain B only ever has 2 steps for messages prefixed with "Automatic Reply"!?!?
Below is the working Exchange server in Domain A - DomainA-EX01 log data...
Timestamp ClientHostname EventId Source TotalBytes Sender Recipients 2015/08/14 16:44 RECEIVE MAILBOXRULE 7096 user@domainA.com abc@xyz.com 2015/08/14 16:44 HAREDIRECTFAIL SMTP 9000 user@domainA.com abc@xyz.com 2015/08/14 16:44 DomainA-EX01.domain.local RECEIVE SMTP 9000 user@domainA.com abc@xyz.com 2015/08/14 16:44 RECEIVE MAILBOXRULE 7112 user@domainA.com abc@xyz.com 2015/08/14 16:44 DomainA-EX01 DROP ROUTING 8996 user@domainA.com abc@xyz.com 2015/08/14 16:44 DomainA-EX01 AGENTINFO AGENT 8996 user@domainA.com abc@xyz.com 2015/08/14 16:44 HAREDIRECTFAIL SMTP 9016 user@domainA.com abc@xyz.com 2015/08/14 16:44 DomainA-EX01.domain.local RECEIVE SMTP 9016 user@domainA.com abc@xyz.com 2015/08/14 16:44 TRANSFER ROUTING 8189 user@domainA.com abc@xyz.com 2015/08/14 16:44 DomainA-EX01 AGENTINFO AGENT 11937 user@domainA.com abc@xyz.com 2015/08/14 16:44 DomainA-EX01 SEND SMTP 8500 user@domainA.com abc@xyz.com
Below is the server not sending OOF messages in Domain B - DomainB-EX01 log data...
Timestamp ClientHostname EventId Source TotalBytes Sender Recipients 2015/08/14 13:26 RECEIVE MAILBOXRULE 5042 user@domainB.com qre@lfd.com 2015/08/14 13:26 RECEIVE MAILBOXRULE 5054 user@domainB.com qre@lfd.com
Note the vast difference is the EventId and Source transactions of log data. Can somebody please talk me through these steps and explain why they are missing on the dysfunctional exchange server?
Both servers also sit behind the same firewall and no MTA is working on the firewall \ proxy so I am ruling that out.
Thanks in advance...
- Edited by durrie Monday, August 17, 2015 10:18 AM