Help with EdgeSync Send Connectors
I am troubleshooting some sporadic inbound delivery problems, and was looking at the technet documentation here:
When looking at my EdgeSync - Inbound to Site A connector, I noticed that the smtp address space is *, however in the technet documentation it says it should be -- , which would represent
the authoritative and internal relay accepted domains for the Exchange organization. So it seems like right now its configured to forward all mail inside instead of just the domains we are actually responsible for. I'd like to change this back to "--",
however it also says You cannot modify the address space or list of smart hosts for the inbound Send connector, so not sure I can even make that change if I wanted to since it was created automatically? I'm also wondering how it got that way in the first
place? I am new to this exchange organization so not sure what happened before I got here. Will I be able to change this smtp address space value to "--", and if so will it have any adverse affects on inbound mail? Thanks in advance.
June 19th, 2012 2:54pm