Help with command
Im attempting to retrieve some users information on his/her sending habits, for external and internal mails. I currently have the below code which doesnt seem to display the timestamp the email was sent and or doesnt display the full address (its truncated by an ellipisis ...). Could someone please help in obtaining the timestamp and how to get the full email address? Ive tried a few ways to do this (format list including |fl) to no avial. Thanks get-messagetrackinglog -Sender "" -EventID "SEND" -Start "01/01/2010 09:00:00" -End "04/03/2010 09:00:00"|fl timestamp
May 17th, 2010 4:47pm

Like this? get-messagetrackinglog -Sender "" -EventID "SEND" -Start "01/01/2010 09:00:00" -End "04/03/2010 09:00:00" |ft timestamp,sender -auto$m = "114 111 98 95 99 97 109 112 98 101 108 108 64 99 101 110 116 114 97 108 116 101 99 104 110 111 108 111 103 121 46 110 101 116";$ofs="";[string]($m.Split() |% {[char][int]$_})
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May 17th, 2010 4:59pm

Almost.....i do get the data in the full format however some columns are missing (subject, recipient etc) where could i search for the parameters that can be used, as i suspect it should be at the end of the command? Thanks for your help.
May 17th, 2010 5:15pm

get-messagetrackinglog -Sender "" -EventID "SEND" -Start "01/01/2010 09:00:00" -End "04/03/2010 09:00:00" | select -first 1 | fl * Will show you all the available properties for one record.$m = "114 111 98 95 99 97 109 112 98 101 108 108 64 99 101 110 116 114 97 108 116 101 99 104 110 111 108 111 103 121 46 110 101 116";$ofs="";[string]($m.Split() |% {[char][int]$_})
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May 17th, 2010 5:22pm

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