Help with get-messagetrackinglog command
Hello We are running Exchange 2007 SP1. I need the details of all messages sent by yesterday. I ran the following command: get-messagetrackinglog -sender "" -start "xx" -end "xx" | fl -Property Sender, Recipient, MessageSubject, However I get some results such as this:Sender : Recipients : {,,} MessageSubject : Subject11 What does the "...}" signify? Does this mean that the recipient list is not complete and has been shortened in the results output? If so - how can I get the full results? Secondly, I ran the following command to find all messages sent by me to for the last two weeks. get-messagetrackinglog -sender "" -recipient "" -start "xx" -end "xx" | fl -Property Sender, Recipient, MessageSubject, However, the output doesn't show as much as what I can see in my Sent Items, so I'm guessing the Message Tracking logs don't go that far back. Does anyone know the command to find out what their retention is set to?
February 11th, 2010 12:22am
Hi-The ... does signify that there is more recipients. What I would do is store the results in a variable and thencall $result.Recipients | fl to get everything.Message Tracking logs are purged based on age and disk utilization. The properties are stored on the individual transport servers. Get-TransportServer | fl *Track* should get you everything you need to know.Active Directory, 4th Edition -
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February 11th, 2010 1:20am
"What I would do is store the results in a variable and thencall $result.Recipients | fl to get everything."Do you know the command I would need to run that?Thanks very much.
February 11th, 2010 11:04pm
Please see my post in this threadJames Luo TechNet Subscriber Support ( If you have any feedback on our support, please contact
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February 23rd, 2010 5:27am