Hosted Exchange 2010 Service/mailbox plan Configuration
Hello, we are trying to setup a service plan with permissions on mailboxplan basis. according to the technet that should be possible. If you set enabled the PerMBXPlanRoleAssignementPolicy feature for the service plan, you must create a Permission Elements section in each of the mailbox plans contained in the service plan. If you disabled the PerMBXPlanRoleAssignmentPolicy feature for the service plan, you will create only one Permissions Elements section. For example, if you have three mailbox plans, you will only include the permissions elements section in the most permissive mailbox plan. however when we are trying to config the serviceplan as it should and try to import it into exchange we get the following error Service plan AIVServicePlanAIVHosted that matches parameters ProgramId=aiv and OfferId=11 is in an inconsistent state. Service plan dependency check failed. Feature "!PerMBXPlanRoleAssignmentPolicyEnabled" is set to "True". It depends on feature "MailboxPlans", which is set to "False". + CategoryInfo : NotSpecified: (:) [Update-ServicePlan], InvalidOperationException + FullyQualifiedErrorId : 792ED1AB,Microsoft.Exchange.Management.Deployment.UpdateServicePlanTask For as far i know we are using the serviceplan correctly. you can find the complete serviceplan in the pastebin link. i know that when you remove permission elements from the mailbox plans you can fix this, however we want to put permissions on mailboxplan level and it should be possible. If you have any bright idea on how to get this working properly please reply to this question :) Regards, Reinier van Dijk The Netherlands
June 29th, 2011 9:50am

Anyone ? {bump}
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June 30th, 2011 10:23am

I read the service plan that you posted several times, but I haven’t found the PerMBXPlanRoleAssignmentPolicyEnabled feature in the service plan. I think the feature PerMBXPlanRoleAssignmentPolicyEnabled hasn’t been enable. I think you need to add this line in each permission Elements. <PerMBXPlanRoleAssignmentPolicyEnabled>true</PerMBXPlanRoleAssignmentPolicyEnabled> More information: Sample Service Plan: LargeBusiness.serviceplan Please remember to click Mark as Answer on the post that helps you, and to click Unmark as Answer if a marked post does not actually answer your question. This can be beneficial to other community members reading the thread.
July 1st, 2011 6:11am

I read the service plan that you posted several times, but I haven’t found the PerMBXPlanRoleAssignmentPolicyEnabled feature in the service plan. I think the feature PerMBXPlanRoleAssignmentPolicyEnabled hasn’t been enable. I think you need to add this line in each permission Elements. <PerMBXPlanRoleAssignmentPolicyEnabled>true</PerMBXPlanRoleAssignmentPolicyEnabled> More information: Sample Service Plan: LargeBusiness.serviceplan Please remember to click “Mark as Answer” on the post that helps you, and to click “Unmark as Answer” if a marked post does not actually answer your question. This can be beneficial to other community members reading the thread. Thank you for your reply. What you are saying is correct. you would think you would need to add that in the service plan. but when we do that the shell is yelling that it does not allow PerMBXPlanRoleAssignmentPolicyEnabled at that spot. Service plan AIVServicePlanAIVHosted that matches parameters ProgramId=aiv and OfferId=11 is in an inconsistent state. Service Plan contains schema errors: "The element 'Organization' has invalid child element 'PerMBXPlanRoleAssignmentPolicyEnabled'. List of possible elements expected: 'PopPermissions, PopSyncPermissions, ProfileUpdatePermissions, RBACManagementPermissions, RecipientManagementPermissions, ResetUserPasswordManagementPermissions, RoleAssignmentPolicyPermiss ions, SearchMessagePermissions, SetHiddenFromAddressListPermissions, SMSPermissions, SupervisionPermissions, TransportRulesPermissions, UMAutoAttendantPermissions, UMCloudServicePermissions, UMFaxPermissions, UMOutDialingPermissions, UMPB XPermissions, UMPermissions, UMPersonalAutoAttendantPermissions, UMSMSMsgWaitingPermissions, UserLiveIdManagementPermissions, UserMailboxAccessPermissions, ContactCountQuota'." + CategoryInfo : NotSpecified: (:) [Update-ServicePlan], InvalidOperationException + FullyQualifiedErrorId : 780FD1AB,Microsoft.Exchange.Management.Deployment.UpdateServicePlanTask I pretty much tried every logical place in the xml to put it but it kept telling me it did not allow it. however when you do not include that element in the XML and just simply add the permission part to the mailbox plans exchange shell will give the error i posted above, saying permbx is enabled but mailbox plans is set to false. I have tried what you said, putting the PerMBXPlanRoleAssignmentPolicyEnabled element in the permission element. however the powershell is telling me now that is does not allow this element in the mailboxplan. Service plan AIVServicePlanAIVHosted that matches parameters ProgramId=aiv and OfferId=11 is in an inconsistent state. Service Plan contains schema errors: "The element 'MailboxPlan' has invalid child element 'PerMBXPlanRoleAssignmentPoli cyEnabled'. List of possible elements expected: 'ActiveSyncEnabled, EwsEnabled, ImapEnabled, OrganizationalQueryBaseDNE nabled, OutlookAnywhereEnabled, PopEnabled, ShowInAddressListsEnabled, SkipResetPasswordOnFirstLogonEnabled, SyncAccountsEnabled, SyncAccountsSyncNowEnabled, SkuCapability, UMEnabled, ActiveSyncDeviceDataAccessPermissions, ActiveSyncPermissions, AutoGroupPermissions, HotmailSyncPermissions, ImapPermissions, ImapSyncPermissions, MailTipsPermissions, MessageTrackingPermissions, ModeratedRecipientsPermissions, OpenDomainProfileUpdatePermissions, OrganizationalAffinityPermissions, PopPermissions, PopSyncPermissions, ProfileUpdatePermissions, ResetUserPasswordManagementPermissions, SMSPermissions, UMCloudServicePermissions, UMPermissions, UMSMSMsgWaitingPermissions, UserMailboxAccessPermissions, ViewSupervisionListPermissions, MaxReceiveTransportQuota, MaxRecipientsTransportQuota, MaxSendTransportQuota, ProhibitSendReceiveMaiboxQuota, SyncAccountsMaxAccountsQuota, SyncAccountsPollingInterval, SyncAccountsTimeBeforeDormant, SyncAccountsTimeBe.. .."Service plan dependency check failed. Feature !PerMBXPlanRoleAssignmentPolicyEnabled" is set to "True". It depends on feature "MailboxPlans", which is set to "False". + CategoryInfo : NotSpecified: (:) [Update-ServicePlan], InvalidOperationException + FullyQualifiedErrorId : 780FD1AB,Microsoft.Exchange.Management.Deployment.UpdateServicePlanTask im not sure if you can but please try to test it out yourself, its pretty weird
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July 4th, 2011 2:57am

anyone else a nice idea ? {bump}
July 6th, 2011 3:05am

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