How Big
Wondered how many of your organisation are using Archiving for Exchange - i you are what product do you use, what is the rate of growth of your archivevault, how many user do you have - how do you generally manage your email.
What criteria do you use for achiving - who thinks archiving is not necessary ?
I look forard to reading your replies.
Many thanks
July 12th, 2007 3:10pm
We have KVS installed, but we have never started archiving. The reason for that is that right after it was installed, a migration was announced where they are not going to allow us to migrate the KVS archives. So we are just sitting on the data in the Exchange stores right now. We had anticipated archiving about 2.0GB per week for 2000 users. The users are pretty good about cleaning out their mailboxes, but there is just certain data that they demand that they be able to keep for historical purposes. That was the driving factor behind getting an archival system.
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July 14th, 2007 3:45am