For the conversion purpose, a Great help is provided by Exchange PowerShell Commands. These scripts are made to run internally which exports mailboxes to psts & allows to import psts in server. Based on Exchange server edition, the
set of commands does varies to perform import & export process.
For Exchange 2003: ExeMerge.exe utility (an inbuilt utility) assists in mailbox conversion.
For Exchange 2007: Export-Mailbox switch converts edb to pst (all mailboxes) and Import-Mailbox switch for import pst into server
For Exchange 2010 & 2013: New-MailboxExportRequest for converting exchange mailbox from edb into pst format and New-MailboxImportRequest to import psts into server.
Make entire process server-independent whether the server is mounting or not.
Have a look:
Get more info about next third party EDB to PST Converter Kit from here:-
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Monday, October 27, 2014 11:12 PM