How to Restore Exchange 2003
I'm in the middle of transitioning an Exchange Server 2003 to Exchange Server 2007. I use BackupExec version 11d to backup and restore Exchange 2003 information store. I know how to restore Exchange data to Exchange 2003 RSG.
I have a bunch of tapes (I keep 1 tape every month for archival) containing Exchange 2003 data. My plan is to wipe out (re-format) the current Win2k3 server that hosts Exchange 2003 and re-use the machine as a file server when transitioning is
My question is once the transition is completed, how do I restore Exchange 2003 data if the server no longer exists? Can I restore the data onto Exchange 2007 recovery storage group? I get the feeling that I must keep the Exchange Server 2003 for as
long as I need it, am I right? Are there any other recovery options (without the existence of the original Exchange 2003)?
Thanks much in advance.
July 11th, 2011 1:53pm
Yes you will need a 2003 server around if you want to restore the data into a RSG. Either keep one around, doesnt have to do anything special, can just be there with minimal setup. This is the cheap option.
You can use 3rd party tools to recover data from the edb file if you have to restore data, tools such as Ontrack, check out their licensing as it may not be too much. For this you dont need an exch server. - Compare the cost and advantage/disadvantage of each. Whatever suits you.
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July 11th, 2011 3:24pm
Thanks for your answer. Out of curiosity, how do I restore the edb if the info store no longer exists? I suppose Ontrack PowerControls take over the info store responsibility to host the edb file, does it?
July 11th, 2011 4:06pm
How long do you plan to keep those 2003 tapes around? What is your company policy for restores and recoverability?
Keeping the 2003 stuff around once you migrate to 2007 is not really optimal if you ask me, especially if you want to re-use that server.
The transition to 2007 involves removing key exchange objects from AD and the Exchange configuration. ( connectors, RUS, etc...), so it kinda leaves a stain on your shirt to have to leave that 2003 server around in the org for an extended period of time.
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July 11th, 2011 4:11pm
Andy, I thought leaving E2k3 around was the easiest and cheapest solution.
I don't really recover from tapes unless it is absolutely needed. In addition to monthly tapes I have PST archivals (on CD/DVD media) to keep old items (4 years or older) before removing them permanently from users mailboxes. Most of the time
I don't have to go back to tapes to recover data. Recovering old items from PSTs is sufficient for the company.
I don't think the removal of connectors will have any serious impact on our network. It's a simple installation, a single site with 1 exchange 2007, 1 company domain name (eg:
July 11th, 2011 4:22pm
Andy, I thought leaving E2k3 around was the easiest and cheapest solution.
I don't really recover from tapes unless it is absolutely needed. In addition to monthly tapes I have PST archivals (on CD/DVD media) to keep old items (4 years or older) before removing them permanently from users mailboxes. Most of the time
I don't have to go back to tapes to recover data. Recovering old items from PSTs is sufficient for the company.
I don't think the removal of connectors will have any serious impact on our network. It's a simple installation, a single site with 1 exchange 2007, 1 company domain name (eg:
Oh, I didnt say it wasnt the simplest, just something to consider. Im not a big fan of leaving legacy stuff in the org once you migrate everything.
If you go the 3rd party route, then of course, you dont need to keep the server around, however there is a cost involved.
Yet another option is to build a recovery forest. Ive done that before. You install Exchange in the recovery forest with all the exact same names ( Org, admin group, server etc...) install the BE agents, make a one-way trust if needed and then you
can easily restore to that server in the recovery forest whenever you need to and it never touches your production AD.
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July 11th, 2011 4:37pm
Thanks for your answer. Out of curiosity, how do I restore the edb if the info store no longer exists? I suppose Ontrack PowerControls take over the info store responsibility to host the edb file, does it?
You basically install the software and browse your edb database and get the email out from there. Licensing isnt too bad, per server. Call and geta quote.
In the lnk I provided above is a demo video, have a quick look at that.
You need to way out the costs. Either leave one hanging around as mentioned, or create a tes LAB (Maybe virtualised) dont really need HA/FT if only for restores.
Or, if you decide to get rid, then just purchase when you need to, if the restore is critical then purchase.Sukh
July 11th, 2011 5:00pm
I'm interested in the option mentioned in your last paragraph. It would even be better if I could virtualized the setup. However, I'm currently overwhelmed with Exch 2003-2007 transitioning tasks, making sure that it is done correctly
with minimal downtime, if any. I'll leave that option open should I need it in the future.
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July 11th, 2011 5:02pm
Thanks for your answer. Out of curiosity, how do I restore the edb if the info store no longer exists? I suppose Ontrack PowerControls take over the info store responsibility to host the edb file, does it?
You basically install the software and browse your edb database and get the email out from there. Licensing isnt too bad, per server. Call and geta quote.
In the lnk I provided above is a demo video, have a quick look at that.
You need to way out the costs. Either leave one hanging around as mentioned, or create a tes LAB (Maybe virtualised) dont really need HA/FT if only for restores.
Or, if you decide to get rid, then just purchase when you need to, if the restore is critical then purchase.
If I get it right, recovery is done through Ontrack PowerControls. It loads the tape and reads the content. Then recovers the data out of the info store in the monthly tape onto personal folders (I think).
I'll keep that in mind. I hope the company won't ever need to recover. Thanks again Sukh.
July 11th, 2011 5:11pm
ANother 3rd party option is Lucid8's DigiScope and you can see a quick flash demo here Werelius
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July 13th, 2011 12:21pm