How to change owner of a mailbox
How do I go about changing the owner of a mailbox.
I found the article, does anybody know how to do this on Exchange 2010?
I would migrate the account over after this you can simply delete (de-attach) the mailbox from the current user then re-attach to your new
It might sound crazy to delete the mailbox but as long as you have deleted mailbox retention configured (which is default) on your
Information store the mailbox will not actually be deleted. I recomend checking the mailbox retention, before performing this procedure, to do so find the relevant Infromation store from Exchange System Manager, right click properties then in the
Limits tab ensure there is a value greater than 0 in the "Keep deleted mailboxes for (days)" field. You should find the default is greater than 0 days anyway.
To de-attach mailbox go into Active Directory Users & Comptuers find and right click properties on the user's account,
from here select "Exchange Tasks" then either select "Delete Mailbox" or "Remove Exchange Attributes" wait for recipient update services (RUS) to run or run RUS manually.
To attach the mailbox to the new user go into Exchange System Manager find the mailbox under mailboxes in the information store (you
will notice the de-attached mailbox has a red circle with a cross thru it) then select reconnect, now specify the new account (ie Domain\username
or after RUS has run the mailbox should be connected
to the new account.
Let me know how you go with this.
Ben Hoffman
Microsoft MVP - Windows Server System
January 28th, 2012 10:07am
Understanding Disconnected Mailboxes
Disable a Mailbox
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January 28th, 2012 11:17am
Thanks, that worked.
January 28th, 2012 5:11pm