Hello, I am trying for a long while to figure how to reduce the email header in outlook 2013
I am using a bottom view and already eliminated people's pictures as well as using compact view but that header is huge. It is blocking the screen and I often have to scroll down just to see the text in the body of the email - both for incoming as well as in replying.
There is also another bar on the bottom which I really like to remove but that's the lesser priority.
I have read somewhere that developers are using right pane and large screen so I am really hoping to find a solution to my problem as I have worked with bottom pane for years.
I am fairly new to 365 and outlook 2013. Frankly I love office 2003. It was simple and effective. So social media and unneeded buttons inserted everywhere.. I was "forced" to change that to a monthly membership fee of 365 because office 2003 is not happy to cooperate with windows 8..
so now not only I am paying so much more - I feel that I am getting so much less.
Screen size in outlook 2013 is just one of the many issues I find with 365. but that's for a different discussion
thank you. Your help is much appreciated