How to configure Exchange 2007 Public folder
Hi, Urgent help needed ! I have single server with ADS where Exchange server 2007 is installed with typical settings (during installation); Hub transport role, Client access role, Mailbox Server role, unified messaging role. Have also selected the option that in this organisation there are outlook 2003 or pre outlook 2007 clients. I have created mailboxes for 5 users (for example) in domain (say)- "" as "" "" Have created Public folder named "" and put "", and "" into this public folder What I'm required to configure is: The users and (public folder) will configure their outlook (outlook 2003 or outlook 2007). From their Inbox they they will be receiving as well as sending mails only within the organisation, i.e, only to and from and should not be able to send or receive mails from any other domains like gmail, hotmail, yahoo etc. Users accessing public folders should not be able to delete any mails. All the transactions from other domains or internet email servers like gmail, yahoo, hotmail etc would be done only through Public folder- is if a mail from any domain (gmail, hotmail,etc..) is addresed to then only "" and "" will be able to access it and when any of the users (test1 &test2) if reply to other domain (including gmail, yahoo, etc..) then it should be sent as Any help would be much appreciated....
October 16th, 2008 12:57pm

Hi, To restrict internet mail you can use transport rules and SenderAuthentication in Exchange 2007. Refer this thread for detailed steps: To receive internet mail in your mail enabled public folder give CreateItems permission to Anonymous user. Add-PublicFolderClientPermission -Identity "\YourPublicFolderPath" -User Anonymous -AccessRights CreateItems Give Author permission to your required users to access mail enabled public folder where external emails are coming. With Author permission they will not be able to delete mails in public folder. Reference: Configuring Public Folder Permissions Give Send-As permissions to users on mail-enalbled public folder to send mail as a Reference: How to Grant the Send As Permission for a Mail-Enabled Public Folder
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October 16th, 2008 1:43pm

Thank you very much for your valuable advise, I am not getting on to the Connectors... that is how do i configure / create Send and Receive connectors so that all the users that have access to a particular public folder (using MS outlook 2003 & 2007) could send and receive mails to & from both global mail servers (gmail, hotmail,etc..) and local domain( while their individual mail (inbox) being configured only for intranet access ( Thanks again...!
October 19th, 2008 2:19pm

Hello, Do you have Edge server to configure mail flow? If not then you can configure it directly from Hub transport server. How to Configure Internet Mail Flow Directly Through a Hub Transport Server Once you create connector for internet mailflow everybody can send/receive mails so as mentioned earlier, to restrict internet mailfor individual user you can use transport rules and SenderAuthentication in Exchange 2007. Refer this thread for detailed steps:
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October 19th, 2008 2:30pm

Great ! Please don't mind if my question seems to be stupid..! But at present i'm completely confused with questions so I want to get a bit deeper in terms of practical: I have Exchange 2007 installed with typical settings in a single Win 2008 server with ADS and don't have any edge servers. Auser say; has access to public folder management@testdomain.comand "test1" user has configured his msoutlook where his account ( configured in "Inbox" and he has management@testdomaincom as his public folder. Now, the public folder (management) needs to receive mails from any global or local mail domains and while remaining in Public folder if he replys or clicks on new mail then he should be able to send it to any global or local mail domains. But if the same user (, while being in his "Inbox" clicks on "New message" (composes new mail) then he must be restricted to intranet ( only. First I create Send connector to internet in Organization Configuration then in Server Configuration I create Receive Connector for "anonymous user" so as to allow mail from internet. Theni create a distribution group and add 'test1' user > Apply transport rules to restrict him to send and receive mails from internet then will he (having access to be able to send mails to global and local domain from public folder and not from his inbox? Thaks a lot :-)
October 19th, 2008 3:40pm

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