How to find Stale Mailboxes
I am about 4 weeks out from our Exchange 2007 migration. We are currently running Exchange 2003 SP2. I would like to know if anyone has had any great success finding stale mailboxes in their Exchange environment? I know that we have a bunch of mailboxes that are not currently being used, but I dont have an effective way at this point to sniff them out and get rid of them.Any advice would be appreciated!Thanks,Ryan
April 11th, 2007 5:12pm

Exchange System Manager shows the last logon time for mailboxes. Unfortunately, this information is often misleading due to AV and some backup products logging on to the mailboxes. An alternative would be to find out whether the user objects associated with the mailboxes have logged on to the domain recently. A good way to do this is to use OldCmp from Again, this is not a particularly accurate method as some types of mailboxes (e.g. resource mailboxes) may be in use, but not logged on to by the user object that owns it. One report that I run occasionally is to find mailboxes that are visible in the GAL, but where the associated user object is disabled. I use ADFind (again from to do this. Here's the command line I use: adfind -nodn -csv -default -f "(&(sAMAccountType=805306368)(userAccountControl:1.2.840.113556.1.4.803:=2)(mailnickname=*)(!(msexchhidefromaddresslists=TRUE)))" samaccountname displayname > disabled_accounts_visible_in_gal.txt Tony
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April 11th, 2007 11:39pm

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