How to host exchange
my company currently hosts its own exchange server. I have been tasked with setting up a hosted environment for our clients.we are using exchange server 2007 hosting we want to also host a domain for our customer and know how to set exchange to accept mail for these domains, I also know how to do the portion of the internet for that. my question is: do I need to set these users up in my AD or do I have to build aseperate domain for them? if I can use my current AD then how do I distinquish the domain for them to access the exchange server thru thier outlook and owa clients? also let me know if there is something I havent considered.Thanks
March 2nd, 2009 9:36pm

I would recommend this article which details the steps you will need to follow, post back if you still have further questions. Exchange Server
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March 3rd, 2009 1:01am

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