Hi everybody,
I'm trying to make a SIP-Address primary by using powershell.
For SMTP-Addresses its quite easy, as we can use set-mailbox -PrimarySmtpAddress, but this one isn't working for SIP-Addresses:
"Cannot process argument transformation on parameter 'PrimarySmtpAddress'. Cannot convert value "sip:test@test.com".
I searched a lot on the internet, but don't get it..
Also this post won't help me:
Before you add a SIP address using the Shell, you need to determine the position of the EUM proxy address that you want to add. To determine the position, use the $mbx.EmailAddressescommand. The first proxy address in the list will be 0. |
$mbx=Get-Mailbox tony.smith $mbx.EmailAddresses +="eum:tsmit@contoso.com;phone-context=MyDialPlan.contoso.com" Set-Mailbox tony.smith -EmailAddresses $mbx.EmailAddresses
Can anybody explain how to achieve it?