Hi Jim Cone,
Thanks for the replay.
I have this option marked, but it's not what I need.
I'll try to say in other words:
When I open 2 .xlsx files I can see only one at a time. Even if I resize the Excel windows to 50% of my screen I can see only one Excel window at a time
and not 2 at the same time.
It's not a solution from within Excel to choose to show the windows side by side ( this way Excel splits its only window to show two files) what I need is not one window for two files, and it's two(or three) Excel windows for two (or three) excel files
at the same time indeed.
Just in case it helps, try to open 2 or 3 Word 2010 .docx files and minimize one of then, you will see the other window, in a way you can't with Excel.
Excel do this only if I choose to close instead to minimize the second file.
When you oppen multiple Excel files you will see only one process in task manager, whith Word you see many process, one for each .docx file.
All solutions are welcome.
BTW: I realized that if I go to All programs>>Microsoft Office>>Microsoft Excel 2010 twice and from each window I oppen a diferrent file I get what I want, but it would be great if it could happen when I clicked the Excel .xlsx files and not
the Microsoft Excel 2010 program.
All solutions still welcome.
Edited by
Sunday, March 27, 2011 7:36 PM
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